Score for a dance piece by A Two Dogs Company
EXIT is the title of a research project that theatremaker and visual artist Kris Verdonck (A Two Dogs Company) and dancer and choreographer Alix Eynaudi will carry out together.
The basis of this project is a question: in a traditional theatre set-up, using all the media at the theatre's disposal (lighting, sound, movement, language, images, stage design, etc.), what influence can we have on the sensory perceptions of an audience? To what extent are artists capable of manipulating the spectator's consciousness (and subconscious) using these theatrical means?
Yes, you are allowed to sleep.
EXIT was performed at:
17>21-08-2011: Festival Über Lebenskunst, Berlin (DE)
19>21-01-2012: Arts centre Vooruit, Ghent (BE)
12>13-04-2012: Kaaistudio's, Brussels (BE)
27-08-2012: August Dance Festival, Tallinn (EE)
24-11-2012: C-Mine, Genk (BE)
25-01-2013: EMPAX, Troy , New York (US)
28-03-2013: De Warande, Turnhout (BE)
10-10-2013: IMPACT13, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
5>6-12-2013: Kaaitheater, Brussels (BE)
Alix Eynaudi
A Two Dogs Company website