Avatars and Antiheroes

Score for a choreography by Iván Pérez

In an extended version, 'eau', my collaboration with Mariska Baars form the score for this dance piece.

Avatars and Antiheroes is a creation by Iván Pérez for the DTH-Ensemble with music of Mariska Baars & Rutger Zudervelt. The piece ingenuously reveals a world of wonder and failure that confronts us with the irony of what it means to be (super) human. From gymnastics exercises to animal embodiment and clichéd poses, the performers immerse themselves in the universe of pop culture – full of ninjas, dinosaurs, and fairies. In eye-catching costumes and accompanied by an atmospheric composition that smoothly mixes voices and electronic effects, the dancers find themselves in an empty room.
By gradually exhausting a repertoire of stereotypical images, gestures, and rhythmically repetitive movement sequences, the scenic space increasingly becomes like a mirror where both figures on the stage and audience can see themselves reflected in.  Trying to fulfill imposed expectations inevitably collapses and leads to a release of energy that resonates in the room and touches everyone present.

With: Kuan-Ying Su, Jacqueline Trapp, Samuel Gilovitz






