Score for a video and animation by Aimée Zito Lema
In the video work Time Restored, and animation Time (3 watches), the voices of Aimée Zito Lema's father and her daughter Mia can be heard, but also audio fragments with the voices of mothers of missing people from the period of dictatorship, or the birds and barking dogs at her house in Argentina. Her work revolves around memory and remembrance. On the basis of a personal perspective, she explores the way in which history takes shape and is passed down from one generation to the next, thereby reflecting on the present. In that emphatic intertwining of present and past, new perspectives are made visible. The intertwining comes about due to what happens in the video too, namely the repeated observation of and dealing with materials and processes, with archival images, clothing, photographs, one’s own body, and thus with watches too. Until you realize that the paper on which the photograph has been printed, the watch beneath an X-ray machine, but also the body itself, each has its memory and carries with it all the (sometimes literal) impressions that it undergoes.
Exhibited at gallery tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam, 31/05/2024 – 13/07/2024